Por instrucciones del Secretario de Gobierno de Carranza, Rafael Zurbarán Capmany, organizó en EUA una oficina especial de información llamada “Mexican Bureau of Information” que elaboraba boletines semanales llamados “Cartas Mexicanas”, explicando el significado de la revolución, estos se enviaban a 500 periódicos, al Presidente, al congreso y al senado. En la carta mexicana No 7 se queja de la innecesaria presencia de tropas de EUA en Veracruz, y la Convención en la Cd. de México.
Transcripción fragmento:
US Troops Are Not Needed In Mexico
There is no reason why President Wilson should allow U. S. troops to hold Veracruz, especiallly when their presence in Mexican territory is certain to cause extreme dificulties for General Carranza, who is anxious to pacify Mexico.
President Wilson announced that U.S. troops will continue to hold Veracruz until Mexico is peaceful. What good are the troops al Veracruz if Mexico´s troubles happen to center at Torreon, Chihuahua or Oaxaca. What slightest tendency can they have to restore peace. Not being in a position to bring order out of posible chaos, what good purpose can Mr. Wilson serve by holding an important Mexican seaport!
Granted that U. S. Troops cannot restore peace whithout complete invasion of Mexico (which would do anything but make peace possible) Mr. Wilson´s Mexican policy is not enclined to help the Constitutionalists. Instead of serving the cause of peace, Mr. Wilson is playing unconsciously in hands of the reactionary interests of Mexico.There is not one logical reason why President Wilson should hold Mexican territory by force of arms.
If President Wilson really understood the temper of the Mexican people he would readily give the much-desired order to evacuate Veracruz. General Carranza is anxious to restore order in Mexico, but his difficulties are troubled by being placed in a position where he must make explanations to people who demand why he does not take drastic measures to rid their country of invaders.
By continuing to hold Veracruz by force of armas Wilson is weakening Carranza´s position. Mr Wilson knows well enough that the Mexican people resent the presence of foreign troops on their soil. He also knows that all elements in Mexico, at this time, are demanding action from Carranza. The reactionaries are saying Carranza is a tool of the Yankees and that he is not loyal to Mexican national spirit. The radicals are ……………………………the invaders from the country. This makes Carranzas position difficult.He wants the Americans to evacuate Veracruz, an important city of 40,000 inhabitants. General Carranza doesn´t relish the thought of having Mexico´s important custome house in the hands of the United Statestroopsand the revenue collected going to the State Department of the U. S. instead of Mexico City.